英文名稱:2011The 17thYiwu real estate fair
Yiw , which is located in the middle of zhejiang province, and of which the per-capita disposable income of rban residents and the per-capita net income of r ral people rank first in zhejiang province, is the biggest exportation base of small commodities in China and the biggest exchange center of small commodities in Asia。
Yiw is a city possessing nlimited b siness opport nities and very active market economy。 Since the adoption of reform and opening policies, “Yiw model” creates economic miracles one after another in a spirit of “Dare for the World First”。 Sim ltaneo sly, the strong private capital s pports the flo rishing real estate market in Yiw , the real estate developers from all corners of the world are attracted by its powerf l real estate cons mption capacity。
Yiw real estate fair has grown to be the biggest special fair for real estate in the middle of Zhejiang province, one of brand exhibition in Yiw and the best platform to choose and p rchase ho se for citizen in or aro nd Yiw with the contin e efforts of more than ten sessions。 The 17th Yiw real estate fair will be held from Sep 23,2011 to Sep 25,2011, The organizing committee will explore the innovation concept, develop the market advantage in Yiw , ens re exhibitors gain more benefits and try best to make this exhibition reach a new height thro gh cond cting all-ro nd advertising campaign for exhibition by cooperating closely with each big market, b siness co ncils and associations in Yiw , and the mainstream media in the middle of Zhejiang province。
Ⅰ。 Date and Place
Date for exhibition arrangement: Sep 21, 2011-Sep 22, 2011
Exhibition date: Sep 23, 2011-Sep 25, 2011
End date: 16:00 on Sep 25, 2011
Place: Yiw international exhibition center
Ⅱ Exhibition scope:
1。 Resident b ildings, b siness b ilding, villa, shops, special market, commercial streets, characteristic zone, Real estate agent, Architect re design organization, investing cons ltation instit te, b ilding model and second-hand ho se etc。
2。 Specialized market’ b siness invitation, Government’s b siness invitation, overseas ho se property project, B siness Migration etc。
Ⅲ。 Stand price
1。Indoor bare place:1280RMB/㎡(at least 36㎡) (Bare place incl des no facilities, exhibitors design and b ild stand by themselves, height limit 5 Meters, pay special eq ipment management fee of 20RMB/㎡ to exhibition hall)
2。standard stand: (3m×3m)9㎡, 12800 RMB(Pay extra 500RMB for do ble-sided open);
Standard stand incl des: one desk, two chairs, one 220V power socket, two fl orescent lamp, one lintel board, and three-sided displaying board(height 2。5m)
Ⅳ。Stand arrangement
1。 The indoor bare place can be got first by the one who orders first, s bject to the money transferred into the acco nt designated by organizing committee。
2。 The organizing committee will arrange the standard stand niformly, and is entitled to adj st some stand for fire safety or irresistible reasons。
Ⅴ。 The plan concerning the organization, propaganda and promotion of this fair
1。 The organizing committee will invite the leaders and experts within the ind stry, professionals from home and abroad, and the well-known persons inside the ind stry to visit d ring this fair。
2。 Organize the powerf l investor to visit thro gh b siness co ncils and associations, and other social organizations。
3。 P blicize and report this fair extensively thro gh the mass media, s ch as: newspaper, TV, radio etc。
4。 Invite the ho se-p rchase gro p in Yiw and its s rro nding cities to visit this fair
5。 Propagandize this fair by professional websites and magazine。
6。 Print 500,000 pieces of visitor tickets, and send them o t to each big market, shops along the street, residential q arters, enterprises and instit tions etc in Yiw and its s rro nding cities
7。 Hang o t advertising boards, scrolls and balloons etc on main streets, sq are and markets
8。 Invite the related jo rnalists to report this fair as it develops, so as to enlarge its infl ence。
Ⅵ。 Fees for pictorial and other propaganda
Page size of pictorial: 210mm×285mm, The design CDs are provided by exhibitor, the deadline of which is Sep 10, 2011。
Pictorial advertisement Fees(RMB) Exposition site advertisement Fees(RMB)
Back cover 10000 Visitor tickets(only for propaganda) 3000RMB/10 000 pieces
Inside front cover 8000 scrolls and balloons 2000 RMB/set
inside color pages 5000RMB/page Indoor scrolls 5000RMB/one
Ⅶ。 Exhibition proced re and payment terms
1。 Exhibition proced re: Exhibitors sho ld fill o t the Exhibition Application Form and stamp the official seal before faxing or mailing it to the organizing committee。
2。 The arrangement principles of stand: “Apply first, Pay first, and then arrange first”。
3。 Payment terms: To ens re this fair goes on smoothly, the exhibitor sho ld remit the expense to acco nt appointed by organizing committee within one week after application, and fax the remittance doc ments to organization committee, or else organization committee will reserve the right to cancel the reservation of exhibitors。
4。 The exhibitor sho ld provide the one copy of d plicate of b siness license and license of pre-sale ho ses (or land se permit) and fax or mail them to organizing committee。(deadline: Sep 15,2011)
5。 It will be noticed f rther in Exhibitor instr ction as for conference reception, accommodation and good transportation etc。
Ⅷ。 Relevant provisions of exhibition hall
1。 All inflammable materials m st be painted with fire proof coating。
2。 The exhibitor with special eq ipment m st pay a deposit of 2000RMB to exhibition hall before entering。 Exhibition hall will pay back the exact amo nt of the deposit when exhibitor withdraws exhibition and removes the trash in stand within the specified time, or else the paid deposit will not be ref nded。
3。 Vehicle pass: 50RMB/one/ exhibition period
4。 License of constr ction (Company with special eq ipment) 50RMB/one/ exhibition period
Contact person of business department: Wangpei TEL:15057807552
Yiw , which is located in the middle of zhejiang province, and of which the per-capita disposable income of rban residents and the per-capita net income of r ral people rank first in zhejiang province, is the biggest exportation base of small commodities in China and the biggest exchange center of small commodities in Asia。
Yiw is a city possessing nlimited b siness opport nities and very active market economy。 Since the adoption of reform and opening policies, “Yiw model” creates economic miracles one after another in a spirit of “Dare for the World First”。 Sim ltaneo sly, the strong private capital s pports the flo rishing real estate market in Yiw , the real estate developers from all corners of the world are attracted by its powerf l real estate cons mption capacity。
Yiw real estate fair has grown to be the biggest special fair for real estate in the middle of Zhejiang province, one of brand exhibition in Yiw and the best platform to choose and p rchase ho se for citizen in or aro nd Yiw with the contin e efforts of more than ten sessions。 The 17th Yiw real estate fair will be held from Sep 23,2011 to Sep 25,2011, The organizing committee will explore the innovation concept, develop the market advantage in Yiw , ens re exhibitors gain more benefits and try best to make this exhibition reach a new height thro gh cond cting all-ro nd advertising campaign for exhibition by cooperating closely with each big market, b siness co ncils and associations in Yiw , and the mainstream media in the middle of Zhejiang province。
Ⅰ。 Date and Place
Date for exhibition arrangement: Sep 21, 2011-Sep 22, 2011
Exhibition date: Sep 23, 2011-Sep 25, 2011
End date: 16:00 on Sep 25, 2011
Place: Yiw international exhibition center
Ⅱ Exhibition scope:
1。 Resident b ildings, b siness b ilding, villa, shops, special market, commercial streets, characteristic zone, Real estate agent, Architect re design organization, investing cons ltation instit te, b ilding model and second-hand ho se etc。
2。 Specialized market’ b siness invitation, Government’s b siness invitation, overseas ho se property project, B siness Migration etc。
Ⅲ。 Stand price
1。Indoor bare place:1280RMB/㎡(at least 36㎡) (Bare place incl des no facilities, exhibitors design and b ild stand by themselves, height limit 5 Meters, pay special eq ipment management fee of 20RMB/㎡ to exhibition hall)
2。standard stand: (3m×3m)9㎡, 12800 RMB(Pay extra 500RMB for do ble-sided open);
Standard stand incl des: one desk, two chairs, one 220V power socket, two fl orescent lamp, one lintel board, and three-sided displaying board(height 2。5m)
Ⅳ。Stand arrangement
1。 The indoor bare place can be got first by the one who orders first, s bject to the money transferred into the acco nt designated by organizing committee。
2。 The organizing committee will arrange the standard stand niformly, and is entitled to adj st some stand for fire safety or irresistible reasons。
Ⅴ。 The plan concerning the organization, propaganda and promotion of this fair
1。 The organizing committee will invite the leaders and experts within the ind stry, professionals from home and abroad, and the well-known persons inside the ind stry to visit d ring this fair。
2。 Organize the powerf l investor to visit thro gh b siness co ncils and associations, and other social organizations。
3。 P blicize and report this fair extensively thro gh the mass media, s ch as: newspaper, TV, radio etc。
4。 Invite the ho se-p rchase gro p in Yiw and its s rro nding cities to visit this fair
5。 Propagandize this fair by professional websites and magazine。
6。 Print 500,000 pieces of visitor tickets, and send them o t to each big market, shops along the street, residential q arters, enterprises and instit tions etc in Yiw and its s rro nding cities
7。 Hang o t advertising boards, scrolls and balloons etc on main streets, sq are and markets
8。 Invite the related jo rnalists to report this fair as it develops, so as to enlarge its infl ence。
Ⅵ。 Fees for pictorial and other propaganda
Page size of pictorial: 210mm×285mm, The design CDs are provided by exhibitor, the deadline of which is Sep 10, 2011。
Pictorial advertisement Fees(RMB) Exposition site advertisement Fees(RMB)
Back cover 10000 Visitor tickets(only for propaganda) 3000RMB/10 000 pieces
Inside front cover 8000 scrolls and balloons 2000 RMB/set
inside color pages 5000RMB/page Indoor scrolls 5000RMB/one
Ⅶ。 Exhibition proced re and payment terms
1。 Exhibition proced re: Exhibitors sho ld fill o t the Exhibition Application Form and stamp the official seal before faxing or mailing it to the organizing committee。
2。 The arrangement principles of stand: “Apply first, Pay first, and then arrange first”。
3。 Payment terms: To ens re this fair goes on smoothly, the exhibitor sho ld remit the expense to acco nt appointed by organizing committee within one week after application, and fax the remittance doc ments to organization committee, or else organization committee will reserve the right to cancel the reservation of exhibitors。
4。 The exhibitor sho ld provide the one copy of d plicate of b siness license and license of pre-sale ho ses (or land se permit) and fax or mail them to organizing committee。(deadline: Sep 15,2011)
5。 It will be noticed f rther in Exhibitor instr ction as for conference reception, accommodation and good transportation etc。
Ⅷ。 Relevant provisions of exhibition hall
1。 All inflammable materials m st be painted with fire proof coating。
2。 The exhibitor with special eq ipment m st pay a deposit of 2000RMB to exhibition hall before entering。 Exhibition hall will pay back the exact amo nt of the deposit when exhibitor withdraws exhibition and removes the trash in stand within the specified time, or else the paid deposit will not be ref nded。
3。 Vehicle pass: 50RMB/one/ exhibition period
4。 License of constr ction (Company with special eq ipment) 50RMB/one/ exhibition period
Contact person of business department: Wangpei TEL:15057807552